What is Linq

LINQ (Language-Integrated Query) is a Microsoft .NET Framework component that adds native data querying capabilities to .NET languages.

What is Linq
LINQ - thetechfoyer, thetechfoyer.com

This Article helps you to Understand, What is Linq?

'Language Integrated Query,' and introduced in .NET Framework 3.5 to query the data from different sources of data such as collections, generics, XML documents, ADO.NET Datasets, SQL, Web Services, etc.

Namespace: System.Linq

Advantages of LINQ
1. LINQ provides the standard query syntax for the various data sources. so it requires less efforts.
2. As comparison to the traditional approach of ADO.NET, LINQ requires Less code and hence minimize the code.
3. LINQ give well supports for compile-time error checking and intelligently integrated in Visual Studio. This powerful feature helps us to avoid run-time errors.
4. LINQ provides a lot of built-in methods that we can be used to perform the different operations such as filtering, ordering, grouping, etc.

Disadvantages of LINQ
1. Its difficult to write a complex query like SQL. LINQ took more compile time in case of complex queries.
2. We cannot make use of the Cache Execution plan similar to we have in SQL server. 
3. If we make some changes to our queries, then we need to recompile the application and need to redeploy it again.


LINQ query and method syntax
In LINQ, we can use either the query or the method syntax. A few methods, such as Append or Concat, do not have equivalents in the query syntax.