Cache Tag Helper in ASP.NET Core MVC
We can cache particular sections of our Razor views using the Cache Tag Helpers in ASP.NET Core MVC.

This Articles helps you to understand the concept of Model binding in ASP.NET Core Razor Views
This helps us in improving our performance, by reducing the further requirement to regenerate the same content on each request.
Attributes of the Cache Tag Helper:
- expires-after: How long should the content be kept in the cache?
- expires-on: a content's absolute expiration time.
- expires-sliding: A sliding expiration duration.
- vary-by: a list of strings to vary the cache by, separated by commas. beneficial for caching content that changes according on specific parameters (such as query string values, user agent, etc.).
- vary-by-user: Caches content by user. if set to true, different users will have their own cached versions.
- vary-by-cookie: Do Caches on the basis of specified cookie name(s).
- vary-by-header: Do Caches on the basis of specified request header name(s).
- vary-by-query: Do Caches on the basis of specified query string parameter(s).
Register Custom Tag Helper & Custom Tag Helper in _ViewImports.cshtml
Cache specific Portion of your view
To indicate the part of the view you wish to cache, use the
Cache profiles:
Use cache profiles in Startup.cs (or Program.cs in.NET 6 and later) if you have several cache tags with similar settings.
By default, cached content is kept in memory. Distributed caching may be something to think about if your application restarts or operates in a load-balanced or web farm environment. Caching needs to be done correctly. Content that is not updated frequently or is largely static should be cached. Users may receive outdated data if content is over-cleaned or frequently changes in the cache.
Cache Tag Helpers Examples