Build and Customizing Search or Filter on Senerity Listing
By default, Sergen designates a table's first text field as the name field.

This Article helps to understand how to use Text Input box to search / filter records on listing pages
Senerity Use Text box ( ) to search / filter records on listing page. For Example ProductName in Product Table below.
What if we want to use any other field for searching or multiple fields for searching on listing page?
Sometimes, the name field may not be in the first text column. In such sitation, we have to instruct sergen to use other field or fields for searching on listing page by decorating those fields(s) on ProductRow file by QuickSearch Tag
In below case, ProductName serves as the name field, so we leave it alone. Serenity should look in the Description and SKU areas as well, though. You must do this by include the QuickSearch attribute in these field
public class ProductRow : Row, IIdRow, INameRow
[DisplayName("ProductName"), Size(200), NotNull, QuickSearch]
public String ProductName
get { return Fields.ProductName[this]; }
set { Fields.ProductName[this] = value; }
[DisplayName("Description"), Size(1000), QuickSearch]
public String Description
get { return Fields.Description[this]; }
set { Fields.Description[this] = value; }
[DisplayName("SKU"), QuickSearch]
public String Storyline
get { return Fields.SKU[this]; }
set { Fields.SKU[this] = value; }
- We added Quick Search Tag on Description and SKU fields
How Senerity Match Serach String?
By default, the QuickSearch attribute uses the contains filter. There are options to make it match only precise values or match by starting with a filter.
public class PurchasesRow : Row, IIdRow, INameRow
//match by starts with filter
[DisplayName("ProductName"), Size(200), NotNull, QuickSearch(SearchType.StartsWith)]
public String ProductName
get { return Fields.ProductName[this]; }
set { Fields.ProductName[this] = value; }
//match numeric value only
[DisplayName("Year"), QuickSearch(SearchType.Equals, numericOnly: 1)]
public Int32? Year
get { return Fields.Year[this]; }
set { Fields.Year[this] = value; }
It is also feasible to provide the user the choice of the search field she wishes to use.
export class ProudctGrid extends Serenity.EntityGrid {
constructor(container: JQuery) {
protected getQuickSearchFields():
Serenity.QuickSearchField[] {
return [
{ name: "", title: "all" },
{ name: "Description", title: "description" },
{ name: "SKU", title: "sku" },
{ name: "Year", title: "year" }
- Senerity Provide a dropdown in quick search input (all above 4 fields)
Instead of hardcode field name, we can use field names with compile time checked versions
protected getQuickSearchFields(): Serenity.QuickSearchField[]
let fld = MovieRow.Fields;
return [
{ name: "", title: "all" },
{ name: fld.Description, title: "description" },
{ name: fld.SKU, title: "sku" },
{ name: fld.Year, title: "year" }
We can provide Field Titles (usefull in case of localization)
protected getQuickSearchFields(): Serenity.QuickSearchField[] {
let fld = MovieRow.Fields;
let txt = (s) => Q.text("Db." +
MovieRow.localTextPrefix + "." + s).toLowerCase();
return [
{ name: "", title: "all" },
{ name: fld.Description, title: txt(fld.Description) },
{ name: fld.SKU, title: txt(fld.sku) },
{ name: fld.Year, title: txt(fld.Year) }